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Partnering for Pets, Inc.: A Shot at Life Vaccination Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

We received product of FVRCP vaccinations for cats. The primary mission of our organization is to help shelters and shelter animals. As we are able to pull cats, each one has been given a vaccination, in addition to testing and spay/neuter, before going up for adoption.

Most of our funds go toward vetting and testing of each pet before they go to adoption. The vaccinations we received from the grant helped us stretch our dollars to cover the costs involved in helping each cat be fully vaccinated and ready to go to their forever home. When we have a pet that needs extra care, such as one that requires a dental or special treatment, those stretched dollars are very important to be able to give care to the really needy cats that otherwise would not get a chance.

How many pets did this grant help?


Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

Duchess. As I reflect over all our kitties in the past couple of months, this is one dear to my heart. Duchess was left at the shelter by her owner. She was 8 years old. Most older pets do not get the chance to go up for adoption because people tend to shy away from adopting older cats, but since she was a Persian mix, she was given a chance. After staying at the shelter for a while, we pulled her into our organization. She had lots of fleas, and even after given a topical application, she still had live fleas the following day. We had her groomed and flea debris washed off, but still – live fleas! It was like they were super fleas! We also discovered that she had an abscessed tooth and were able to provide a dental for her and tooth was pulled. She was a very loving cat and would give hugs, almost like she was saying “thank you for giving me a chance.” She went on to find her forever home. This may seem like an irrelevant story but as stated above, every time we can stretch our dollars, it can sometimes mean that we can go a little bit extra for a cat like Duchess with a special need. It is absolutely the most wonderful feeling to know that with the help of the donated vaccines, we could save the life of a needy senior cat who deserved a second chance. Thank you for that opportunity to help the cats in our care.

Further Reading