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Have A Heart Pet Shelter: Grant Report

How did this grant help your organization and the pets in your care?

The grant money was used to construct four quarantine kennels to keep newly admitted dogs, puppies and kennel residents who become ill from spreading disease. The request for this grant was based upon education received at the Adoption Options seminar on common infectious diseases.

Prior to having the solid-wall quarantine kennels, we only had two small chain-link kennels that were separated from other kennels by about a foot of space. When they were being cleaned, water would flow between them and potentially contaminate adjoining kennels. Due to insufficient quarantine kennels, we would not accept very young puppies into the shelter, since we felt they should be quarantined for a minimum of 14 days. We also were constantly worried about the spread of internal and external parasites between newly admitted dogs or dogs who became symptomatic during their stay. Since the completion of the four quarantine kennels at the end of August, we have admitted seven dogs into those kennels. Six were new intakes (including two young pups) and one was a dog who had been in the shelter and presented with symptoms of diarrhea with unknown origin.

How many pets did this grant help?

Seven dogs have benefit from the quarantine kennels in approximately two weeks.

Please provide a story of one or more specific pets this grant helped.

JoJo is a 4- to 5-year-old male Yorkie. JoJo was found as a stray in horrible condition on a rural county road. It was evident from his condition that he had not been cared for over a long period of time. He was loaded with ticks and fleas, and his coat was so matted that you could not find his skin. We immediately gave him Capstar, wormed him and had him groomed to get rid of the nasty mess he was in. The first photo shows what he looked like at intake. Note that he was also vomiting. Photo 2 shows JoJo in one of our new quarantine kennels. He was the first dog to use the new kennels. Photo 3 shows JoJo on adoption day. In his short stay in quarantine, he was given all his vaccines, neutered, wormed, tested for heartworms and put on prevention for both internal and external parasites.

The fourth photo shows the building process so you can see what we had to do. The four quarantine kennels cost $2,203 to complete thanks to the masonry all being done by volunteers. Thank you Petfinder Foundation, for improving the quality of life of our shelter animals.

Further Reading